abcfee – our 2015 edition

– Edit: This is not a brand new post, we already posted it on the re-designed (I couldn’t resist)- but haven’t quite figured out how to re-direct you guys there. I know, I know, bad blogger not keeping up with the tech-side of things. I hope we manage soon, until then please check it out and let us know if you like the new style 🙂

When Fee puts out a challenge we rise to it – this time more than 15.000 photos were posted on instagram for her ABC challenge, #abcfee2015, and Fee herself rose to the challenge of looking at all of them and pining her favourites on the pin board (check it out). Here are our pictures, all the words are (obviously) in German, but some English words did fit the letter of the day as well, maybe next time we should try to match all the words in both languages…. We didn’t complete the whole ABC as you will see, because we were dog-sitting over the Easter weekend (guys, 4 dogs are a lot of work!) and my sister was in town (2 kiddos & 1 dog…). Enough excuses, here we go:

abc-1A) Apfel or (braised) Apples with Banana bread: our breakfast that day. B) Baustellenlärm also known as construction noise (which has been going on since March next door…) C) Chill (or dog manicure) D) Doppelt sehen or seeing double – continuing with H) Hunde (dogs), I) Irene J) Jeans (the dog park edition) K) Kaffee (coffee), and then picking up with S) Strohhut (straw hat) my super cute favourite nephew no 1 at Kensington Gardens.

abc-2With H) like Häuser (houses) – I had a creative day and the time to take two pictures…, T Tee (tea), U) unglaublich süß, super cute, V) versteckt (hidden), W) würzig (flavourful/spicy), XYZ) zzzz.

Even tough we didn’t manage to complete every letter of the alphabet, it was great fun. We sat over breakfast thinking about words and possible photos. Please Fee, recover quickly from all this work and do another one soon!


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